When inserting list in Simple list component it hangs or gets jumbled


This program is just to demonstrate the hanging of Thunkable. The snapshot is only of the bottom part. If you open the program you will see three screens and in the last screen I keep concatenating the list as they come. There it does not hang but data gets inserted as a single line. In either case it does not work. I had asked a similar question to @tatiang last year :slight_smile: I am back again after a long sojourn. Thanks for the help

It’s helpful if you explain more details and link to the original topic. I’m a little lost about what you’re describing. But I did notice this part which doesn’t make sense to me:

Using sample values, when I click the Save button, app variable ListItem will have this value:


Then you’re setting the Simple List to display this:


Then, you’re adding the variable’s value to the end of the Simple List’s text items… why? What’s the purpose of that? I’m not convinced that does anything immediately but the next time you click the Save button, it’s going to display the first user’s data twice like this:


At least that’s my guess. And that’s going to cause all sorts of problems later.

If you’re wanting to display a list of rows where each row contains various information about a person, use a Data Viewer List, not a Simple List. It’s not designed for that.

Sorry sorry my apologies. I should have sent a different link. Please ignore the previous link. Here is the new link:
When I share the above link, I get this error:

I hope you will be able to see it and work.
This is a very simple program. This one hangs. Yes I agree I should not use Simple List but why should it hang?

Thanks again for the detailed answer

That could be causing the crash. Have you tried removing this?

Sorry other interrupts pulled me away and just now I am back and realized yes Data Viewer List is the way to go. I checked about 5 examples all of them used dated version of Thunkable the component or the feature they use do not match up to mine. Under Advanced, Any component I do see some Data Viewer List component.
Can you please give a sample code for creating and populating a Data Viewer List. All I want to fill is user data (Name, Address, Phone). Or point me to an example which uses 2023 Dec version of Thunkable.

With a Data Viewer List, you just select a data source and map the fields and it automatically populates all of the components on the screen. It’s pretty straightforward but you can also read the documentation or watch the tutorials.

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Thanks @tatiang .Yes after much digging I found it. It is much different then what it was last year. Just for info let point out to the place to find it.
Go to thunkable.com ==> Resources ==> Finally go to Thunkable Academy https://academy.thunkable.com/
There they have a video for “Connecting to the Data Source”. Go to the YouTube version of it. There you will see it in 4 parts. That is very helpful and useful. This is your final destination.
Thanks again. This time I am mentoring another Technovation team will keep you busy. :slight_smile:

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