What is the best way to make a messaging app?

Is the best way to have a cloud variable for each message, user, or all in one? Or is there another way that I’m not thinking of?

Hi @thedarkwaterbuntafv. Nice too see your back on Thunkable Forum.

To answer your question, the best way for creating a messaging app would be using an external website and connecting it using an API or using a texting API as I don’t believe its possible to send messages through thunkable only to multiple users. Now you can use thunkable to send a message to ONLY ONE user at a time.

Is there any specific one I should use? I only saw ones used for promotions when I looked it up

Yes, so you might want to check out this topic here for more details on what do and what websites to use.

I’m looking at Twilio right now and I don’t see anything about messages between users, just messages between the app and users

Yes, so twilio acts as a “number” from which you can text the people.

Ok, I was talking about a user to user or group of user messaging, should I just use cloud variables or a spreadsheet for that?

Is the number of users ever going to increase or decrease and if it is are you going to increase it from the app?