Webview won't load stripe checkout

I built a responsive web app with bubble and have used thunkable webview to make it a native app.
I’ve checked everything over and have narrowed the issue down to the thunkable webview creating the issue.
Any input on how to correct the problem?

Hi @Porche_Berry, sorry to hear you’re running into trouble with this.

When you say that it won’t load the check out, are you using https? I’m assuming you’re using a Stripe component from Bubble?

yes and yes. Thats the error message

further testing has revealed that the error only occurs on android phones. No issues on iPhone.
Does anyone have thoughts on of the following being a potential solution?
Ignore SSL errors
Follow links
Use external browser

Yes I am facing the same issue when (built from bubble.is) my webview stripe is working fine ,but not after published from Thunkable to google play store?
The error message is “sorry, there was a problem loading checkout.If this persist please try another browser”
Appreciate if Thunkable Team can resolve the issue!


I have the same problem. Did you solve this issue?