Webview and Data Sources Create/Delete Row not Working

It was working 2 weeks ago
You can try with simple project

I am using Airtable too

Old versions working good
I am using IOS 13,6/Iphone 11 and test app also not seeing and working with live app too

I have the same problem. I can’t get links to my data source and send it to webview. tested it with the Google link and it worked. the problem is with the datasource. my last update worked perfectly.

You are using Googlesheet is it working well

With airtable not working

And i am using left/right swipe too for create row with data source

@doctorsof m not sure but I think the problem is when I use the get row id block. doesn’t work anymore

are you using any variable app? I found that it is not working properly. and that was what affected my datasource

I didnt change anything but webview working with my test app now