WDC? Please bring in a new one

Hmm… I am getting bored. @domhnallohanlon , can you please make a new WDC for us. More than a month has passed.

… plus last WDC topic started as intended and lost on the way, turning into something totally different :rofl: (with no intention to offense someone).

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The weekend that just ended was a “Show Thunkable” weekend - there were a few projects shared on that thread, and some more shared in the Google Meet calls. [I do agree with @mimostel that it would have been better to split the discussion about a live meeting off from the Show Thunkable posts.]
Hangman was posted on July 9.
Out of milk was posted on July 2.

Dom has missed some weekends in the past, but he’s 3/3 recently, so I don’t think your post is fair. I have no idea if running WDC is in his job description, or whether he’s doing this on top of his actual assigned work for Thunkable. I am also disappointed when I’m looking forward to a WDC weekend and one isn’t posted, but I’m unclear on why you’re complaining about the few weeks. It looks like a pretty good run for WDC?


So sorry! I didn’t think of that as I meant for it to be like a call version of the WDC. Thanks for telling me, I’m really sorry!

@codeswept you did an awesome job organizing! I wasn’t criticizing you, just saying that the thread ended up so big with call logistics that it was harder to find the project posts than might have been ideal. :slight_smile: And for the folks getting notifications on that thread but not interested in the call it must have felt pretty spammy. :slight_smile:


Ah yes… sorry to everyone who wasn’t part of that conversation! I’m not sure if we’ll do it (another call) again, but if we ever do, we can probably make a group PM with those interested.