đź“˝ WDC #21 "Show Thunkable 3"

As the last few entires for #wdc 20 roll in our attention turns now to the show-and-tell event which is coming this weekend.

It’s our third “Show Thunkable” and judging by the quality of the first two (May, June) I know it’s going to be a great one.

Here’s a quick poll to see what sort of ideas folks have in mind. For anyone new here, if you have any questions just post them below.

What’s your plan for “Show Thunkable #3”?
  • Working on a personal project
  • Working on a previous WDC project
  • Publishing an app
  • Gettign Design Feedback
  • Other (Leave a comment)

0 voters


Woohoo! I love Show Thunkable. I’m not exactly publishing an app, nor is it a personal app, but it is a community app that I just released without publishing and am waiting for feedback. By the way, a suggestion for WDCs:
During Show Thunkable, it’s great to look at everyone’s posts and apps, but maybe once a month/ every two months around, we could all probably have a call together on Discord/ Zoom, showcase our apps and explain them more thoroughly. I’d understand much better that way. I’m sure that everybody will not be free but it might be fun to meet other Thunkers via group call and learn more about their apps!


@codeswept that’s An AMAZING Idea.
I’d love to meet other thunkers through a discord call and see What they are Working on.

Anyways My current project has something to-do with Blockly and Roblox
Hopefully i can show a Stable version in show- thunkable.


I’m going to wrangle my grocery list app closer to done. Luckily it uses firebase, since no other database blocks are working well right now.

Small update: For anyone wondering, changing the data model in Firebase when you’re going to display the data by basically building your own data viewer from cloned blocks, after writing MOST of the logic to make it functional with a slightly different model? Yeah, that is a really really bad idea. Guess what I did.

Here’s a teeny preview:
The + and - buttons add or subtract from the quantity and update firebase. The + ingredient button asks you what new ingredient to add and puts it on the list (and updates firebase). Pay no attention to hideous borders - that’s my debugging. Lots of nested containers and I’m not sure I’m done needing the extra color hint. :slight_smile:

Oh, and after you’re done planning meals and adding ingredients? It dumps it all into the local grocery store’s online shopping cart. :slight_smile:


… im using firebase aswell, but right now, when i wanted to add something to my app for close future publish, i was surprised to see that my app is freezing on some loading icons when it tries to acces firebase to extract datas… i dowloaded an .apk version without any modifications from in working progress app two days ago, i launched that from phone and its working well. App freezes when i try to use mobile LiveView from non-compiled version on my phone . Weird… Maybe some thunk issues ?

Later edit: it seems that problem is from local tables tho


Without intending snark (mostly):
Maybe this weekend’s design challenge should be “build an app that does X without using any data source blocks”.


Means we will not use any Data Viewer , Local DB , Local storage etc. right ?

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It’d certainly make for an interesting challenge! Well, you’d just have to use Firebase for everything. Those blocks work.


But they Just started to work for me.

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Well , When is the next WDC ? By Votes

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Ooooh… how did you do that? I assume you used an API?


Yes. My grocery store (Kroger) exposes an api - I just had to register. I can’t check out a cart (that’s a restricted feature for partners), but as long as I authenticate the user first, I can drop items in the cart.


Hello thunkers.
As I voted, I will publish my first application (I am waiting for the approval of the Thunkable team).
I am an amateur fisherman, a quality in which I participated in several fishing competitions, where I noticed that the arbitration is difficult in terms of quickly informing participants about the catches of other participants and the ranking. So I present to you:

The application can and will be used both as an organizer and as a participant in the fishing competition.
For a start I chose only Romanian and English as languages, but I can add any other language.

After the login screen (many thanks for that to @nice-jimbo-slice `s template for that),

The user can use the application as the organizer, in which case he will access the administration section, or as a visitor, in which case he will choose the specific section.

Each section has a help button, by activating which the user has access to some basic information regarding the use of the application.

The first step as an organizer is to define the contest regarding the participants, the tie-breaking criteria and many other data (including the access password of the contest, which is then distributed to the participants interested in the real-time results of the ongoing contest).

As soon as a contest has been defined, it will appear in the list of active contests that can be accessed by any visitor to view results.

… any visitor who knows the password of the contest, as it was set by the organizer :blush:

All data is saved in Realtime Firebase (to prevent the server from being overloaded with data on contests that are no longer used, I chose to automatically delete contests older than 90 days - an arbitrary term that I can change). From here everything becomes simple. During the contest, on the one hand the organizer introduces the catches as the participants fish,

and on the other hand, the participants view in real time both the captures of the opponents,

as well as the ranking at that time

Thats all. simple to use and efficient, i think :blush:
As i said, this is my 1st attempt on thunkable, so be gentle with me.
Many thanks to the comunity here, especially to @muneer and @catsarisky for helping me when i got stucked.


Great app Amazing Good @mimostel !!!


This looks awesome - where are you initially planning on launching your app? iOS, Android or both?

What are you waiting on approval for - AdMob?


Android only.

yes - put 3 banners on 3 of my screens… wanted to try all to learn how to. And i read on thunkable docs that a lil` banner is the proper way to start with as a beginner :blush:


Very nice design and a good and practical idea.


Hi there,

We launched our app called MyRelationship since the last WDC, and now we have more than 1200 downloads and counting.

Our goal is to achieve 1500 downloads next week.

What do you recommend to gain more downloads? What marketing ideas you have?

Anyway, I would be amused if you could give us a download and follow us on social media:

App Store: ‎MyRelationship on the App Store

Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmail.skultetibalazs.myrelationship

Instagram: Login • Instagram

TikTok: TikTok