🕹 WDC #32: What's your favourite #MadeWithThunkable Game?

Thanks for playing - I’ve been fiddling with the sharing function - I’ve discovered its a bit of an issue for web apps in that the old method ‘Document.execCommand’ is being deprecated eg doesn’t copy/paste on safari/iPhone.
I’ve been trying the ‘new’ (new to me) navigator.share. Navigator share is better in that it integrates with devices. I’ve made a comment about this on this thread - Please add the option to copy text to clipboard - #10 by tatiang
to see if anyone else has had any experience using this.
You’ll see the screenshots on this thread (iPhone/safari) but I haven’t been able to test it on every device/browser. Unfortunately Its not supported on all browsers (eg chrome Mac OS) so the fallback should be the old method.
But I’ve now noticed a new issue - I cant serve a https secure pages from the thunkable domain which means it has to be served from an external https domain - in this case GitHub- This is an issue for the user as they get to see the external GitHub domain in the message ;-(.
I’ve also been testing this by running the thunkable app as an iframe on a secure domain and trying to reference the files from that domain - but it doesn’t work (also causes other issues with first party cookies). All in all copy/paste appears to be an achilles heal for thunkable web apps.
Can you tell me what device/browser you are using and I’ll test it.

On the blue/green words - I’m the opposite I get very few blue words.
There is no pattern. The core word could be ‘merit’ but a valid blue word could be ‘timer’ both words use the same letters.
At the end of the game the results should show the missing core words.
Ultimately by finishing the puzzle with blue words does showcase your word knowledge!

really appreciate your feedback

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