WDC 3.0 Let's Build "Ceramicus"

Thanks a million to everyone who participated in the wdc challenge last week, over 20 users were engaged or participating in some way which I think is a record, congrats everyone!

What is Ceramicus?


This week I’m going for a game that’s ridiculously easy to learn, but (potentially!) quite challenging to build, as I think folks will really enjoy it.

Ceramicus is a creative-commons, pattern matching card game by Swen-Peter Ekkebus, which we’re going to try to convert into app form.

All the “rules” are described in this 90 second video (I told you it was easy to learn!)


Thanks too for the feedback on the templates, some folks felt it made the challenge too easy while others felt it was hard to understand, so this time around we’ll have two templates. A design template with just the visual resources you might need to jump straight into the blocks and a starter template that will have images and some block suggestions so that you can add additional functionality as you choose. Leave a like on the post below to get your template


What do you think? Are you up for the challenge this week @jared @codeswept @tatiang @muneer @manyone


Starter Template

Please leave a “like” on this post and we’ll send you a simple project with some of the Ceramicus visual assets and a few blocks to get you started


Design Template

Leave a “like” on this post and we’ll send the project with visual resources only - this way you can focus on the functionality and add new things like timers that Swen-Peter mentions in his video


I love a good WDC! I haven’t fully participated in the past couple ones but I’ll see if I can craft something this time around.


Sorry! I’ve been overwhelmed with recent events and have had about 0 bandwidth for this.

I also watched the video and still didn’t understand the game :rofl:

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it looks very nice indeed!

Is it too late to partecipate?

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