šŸŽ® WDC #12 Let's Play Whac-a-Moleā„¢ļø

By Abhijeet (@beepboopbopboom)

@domhnallohanlon PLEASE COUNT ME IN SORRY Iā€™M LATE



Screenshot 2021-04-26 1.34.52 PM Screenshot 2021-04-26 1.34.24 PM Screenshot 2021-04-26 1.33.19 PM

I only modified the UI, thatā€™s it. I changed the sprites too, but the UX and code were mostly the same. I did the canvas thing because Iā€™m good with the canvas. :blush:

To win the game, you must tap the red beaver sprites and avoid tapping the white impostor beaver. You earn a point by tapping a red beaver sprite, and you lose a point by tapping a white impostor sprite. When you reach 10 points, you will receive a congratulations message. If you ever hit -5 points, you will receive another message.

You can notify me of any feedback that you have in the PM or right here. I will accept anything.

P.S. I also forgot to add that my original app and this remixed version were both inspired by the Mole Mash game by Mr. Wolber.