🎮 WDC #17 Tic Tac Toe: The Next Generation

It’s Tic Tac Toe, but not as you know it - this challenge will require that you add an extra dimension to the traditional 3 x 3 game:


As you can see, each side has 6 players (plenty of scope for character design and development) and the larger players can “eat” smaller ones and take their place on the board (so a bit of logic is needed to implement this)

Will update this post over the weekend but hopefully this is enough to get you started!


Summary of entries


This seems interesting! Is there any specific name for this type of tic tac toe, so I can maybe google it and learn a bit more about it? I haven’t heard of this before.


Just PMd you a link!

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Just saw that. Thanks!

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We have this game at home and love it. It’ll be interesting to think of a way to implement it digitally.


To make a game like this well, we really need some Canvas improvements. For one, the ability to detect a mouse up event on a sprite would allow the user to drag and drop a game piece and then we could code snap-to-grid to set the piece where it needs to go.


Couldn’t you use this?


I thought I’d tried that a while ago but you’re right, that does detect a mouse up. Thanks!

I don’t think I can use the Canvas even with that block available.

Sprite positions are inconsistent:

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I think the sprites use the mid point rather than the top left corner, right?

I think I’d use (lots of) buttons for this, simply because the last Tic Tac Toe game I built used 9 buttons.

I guess I’d ask you that! :laughing:

The documentation I’ve read says that it’s the top-left corner. @jane said she would put in a request to change it to the center of the sprite.

But my findings here are really strange. Regardless of whether the x,y position is top-left or center, I’m seeing inconsistencies that prevent me from using the Canvas.

That’s the way I’m heading, too… I just think a drag-and-drop game using the Canvas would be so much more satisfying.


@domhnallohanlon, could you give me the link too?


@human it seems like the rules might be a little more nuanced then the original animation I shared, but feel free to start simple and add additional complexity as you go:


Oh, interesting!


Here is my (pre - entry )


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This is what I get.

Still working…dont understand now why it runs away


This is what I see when I preview it in a browser:


The game seems to work… I can add Os and Xs. Is it just tic-tac-toe or did you code it like Gobblet?

This challenge was a little too complex for me to complete over a weekend but I may revisit it another time. Keep these WDCs coming… so much fun to see everyone’s projects! :slight_smile:

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