Unable to open Thunkable on MacBook

For the past 2 days, I’ve been unable to open Thunkable on my MacBook, though I can open it as usual on my windows. My internet is fine as I can post on the community and open all other websites. Anybody else experiencing this on MacBooks?

I can open Thunkable on my MacBook both in Safari and Chrome.

But I experience a very slow performance in Safari, it is so laggy that I can’t code in Safari, instead of that I use Chrome, it’s fine there.

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it happened to me sometimes.
I restarted my mac and it was ok

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That’s surprising. But even when I was able to open thunkable, it was extremely slow performance on Safari.

All my thunkable tabs are just blank white screens.

exactly the same did you try to hard refresh your navigator ?

It seems also that when there is an upgrade I have this issue. maybe there is a upgrade going on

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Thanks for the reply. Let me try refreshing.

I’m able to get until the Thunkable splash page, where they provide different options at the top left: Login, Sign Up, Community, Docs etc. But as soon as I click login, it just blanks out. A refresh doesn’t help.

Edit: Just thought maybe clicking on a thunkable copy/ or projectpage/ link on the community would force it to open, but even links into thunkable aren’t working.

hmm that is weird,maybe you need to update the browser or restart your computer. Everything works for me and I am on a mac.

Agree that a computer restart would be a good first step. These issues are usually browser-related so clearing the browser cache should help but if not, maybe your computer is low on available memory in which case a restart should help.


I would do two things. I would open and observe the console your browser. See if any errors occur

I would also check out Activity Monitor and see if anything strange happens when you open thunkable.

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This has been happening again for the past 3-4 days. I checked console and this is what I get:

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I’m having the same issue intermittently lately

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like right now

it’s the only Thunkable browser open for me ATM

a different view

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