Thunkable not Saving my. Project


Thunkable is not Auto-Saving my Project, I haven’t reloaded the Unsaved Project, but I don’t think there is a chance staff can. recover it, is this Possible, it’s Sunday and even Staff is Not Available, if there is any method which. can help me and that I can do myself, please tell anyone…
In a new. Tab, when I did some changes in the saved part, even that was not saving, there is no issue in my internet connection…


Hello @whoocoder
We discussed your issue in a separate support channel but I also wanted to offer the answer here. We are still investigating this issue.
As a PRO user, you are able to take advantage of our versioning capabilities. Thunkable’s versioning functionality allows you to preserve a version of your drag and drop project at a point in time so that if there is a change you are unhappy with or need to revert back to, it will be there for you to access.