Project not saved

I came back after a while and found that project not saved. Everything is gone what i did the last time. All media blocks and so on… There is just very first version… is it possible to find latest version? where it gone? i did lots of work last time… even i made a file and installed on the phone… why project was not saved have no idea… what i did wrong??? should i make everything again and how to avoid that situation in future? very sad…

Out of curiosity did you have another session enabled i.e. on a second device. You made all the changes on one device but was also logged in with a phone?

usually im creating everything on mac but yes i was logged on my phone just to download file and install it… was that the issue?

Yep, I think the multiple login may have made the X console confused as to which device was actually making changes or not.

I am asking a Thunkable staff member.

@domhnallohanlon . Is there any help here for @Gintaras_Digaitis ?

ok than, thanks
ill try to avoid logging on my phone next time
but still can not trust thunkable anymore… lost too much time…
and there is no way to save project on the laptop… so no option avoid that in future…
…is there any other similar crossplatform on the market?

Not cross platform. Thunkable is unique, and really trying to crack a very tough nut. But you can save it. Setup a second account, and then have that other account “remix” . Have two browsers. Firefox and Chrome, and then you can be logged in with two different accounts, and you can remix. Then the project is saved on another account.

Boom . Project saved.

thanks :slight_smile: good idea, ill try that :slight_smile: