Thunkable live app

Hello I try to develop a simple application, when I attach jpeg file extension above 2mb, I always find a bug that was not shown on my life app for android

Hi @achmadfandisantosohq, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

Please be sure to check our post about How to ask Great Questions v2.0 while making posts like this–the more information we can have, the better we’ll be able to assist you!

What exactly is the bug you think you are seeing here? Is there a problem with the image itself? The image size? It is hard to help if we do not know what the issue is.

I made a simple application to view an image file, the file size only 2mb, but everytime I checked it at live app it wouldn’t shown the image. If I try to compress the image between 1 mb, it’ll be shown but it blurred

Could you share the link to that project with us so we can check locally? Thank you!

Here’s my project link: Thunkable

I have published the app and installed it on Android, but the problem is that on the MATERI tab, the image that I have attached does not appear. Then, on the CONTOH SOAL tab, the layout changes. Then, on the CP & TP menus and the QUIZIZZ menu, the appearance changes. What’s the solution? I want to become a Pro member if it can be resolved.

For the issues you are seeing with the layout of the app after downloading, see this post from Ioannis:

The default size of the screen on Thunkable when you are designing your app is 375x667px. If your device is not that same size, there may be some variation in how the UI renders. Because of this, I would consider using the Layout component:

This feature, which is similar to rows and columns in our Snap to Place builder, allows Creators to precisely position components within containers. The Layout component is a game-changer for quickly aligning multiple components, defining UI behavior across different screen sizes, and much more!