I made an app to see how the room exit is locked down when it detects an unusual presence of a person.
When the thief comes in, it’s supposed to play alert.mp3, but it doesn’t. Here’s the link.
I need help today, the deadline is tomorrow, I can’t submit it tomorrow.
The variable lockFlag never becomes false, which is why the sound never plays. I guess you need to fix your logic in the nandLogic Function or somewhere else.
If you’re working on an assignment or a project for a paid client, the deadline is your own responsibility. We can’t rush to help you just because you’re in a hurry. I hope you understand that.
You haven’t given much explanation about how your app is supposed to work. Your explanation makes sense but how is your app designed to do that? For example, what would the expected outcome be (e.g. variable values) and what is actually happening when you preview it?
You might need to use the “when [sound] source loaded” block. See Sound - Thunkable Docs.