Text-to-speech: SWAHILI and MALAGASY doesn't work (StP)


In the Snap-to-Place version of Thunkable, when I set “Text-to-speech” block to Malagasy or Swahili and ask it to speak a phrase in those respective languages, it doesn’t work on both online preview test and iOS device.

Everything is fine with other languages such as Hindi, Arabic, Finnish, etc…

Does anyone have a solution about this issue?

Hello @dosantoss
I tried to replicate the issue but I couldn’t.
Here is the project: Thunkable

Thank you,

I’ve tried with your project, but even if it can launch the action of reading, it’s neither spoken in Swahili nor in Malagasy (syllabus are pronounced like it’s still in French or English).

You can try with those sentences (which both mean “Enter your email”):

Ingiza barua pepe yako

Ampidiro ny mailaka anao


When I preview your project, I hear English pronunciation for the Swahili and Malagasy buttons. I added another button for Spanish and when I click that one, I do hear a Spanish pronunciation.

Here’s my project: Thunkable

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Hello @dosantoss and @tatiang
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have flagged it to our engineering team and will provide an update as soon as possible.