American option of text to speech is not working properly

I´m reviewing one of my apps in google play and the sound when I try nto listen to the text in american english is some kind of funny, but I cannot laugh at all

What blocks are you using to create the speech?

Hi, Tatiang. Nice to “see” you again!. Well, I have the same old blocks for british and american english, and for spanish, They used to play correctly, but them american one has become problematic.

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Are there any other blocks to do that?

No, I mean that seems pretty straightforward. That should work. One concern I have is that the get value blocks may return cached information. It’s a known issue with Thunkable.

Can you assign a label’s text to the get value blocks and check to make sure that the labels show what you expect to be spoken?

I tried this in a Snap to Place (StP) project and it worked, translating Spanish words into English and speaking them. I used the default Yandex API key.


Thanks, Tatiang, for your advice. Well, I don’t need a translator, because I have an Excel file with the vocabulary I need in Spanish and English, which has to be pronounced in British and American English, so the text is the same and in British it does it well, but when it tries to pronounce in american english, the voice sounds like a smurf beep, but it didn´t happen when I uploaded it.

Is the spreadsheet cell value just a text string? Is it formatted as text?

What is the exact text string?

Does the garbled voice happen for all text strings or just that one?

What happens if you replace the get value block with a text block?

Are you using ENGLISH_US for the default language or a different value?

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Hi, Tatiang. Hello. I have been looking at some other apps and they do not reproduce the same problem with the American sound ENGLISH_US… but they bring an even worse problem: I have been making apps thinking of users who do not have internet access, which forces me to create my own data source in thunkable, with the drawbacks it has to position the words properly, and I was using Data Viewer List when I uploaded them to the cloud working fine… And when I review them now I find that I am told I have to redo the blocks using Simple List …and my databases are gone, populated with Thunkable on all rows and columns, so I have to start all over again. It’s not fair. I don’t think I’m the only one this has happened to, but I would need an urgent solution. I need the Thunkable team to solve this.

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