how to make speech recognition to text in thunkable ?
i see older posts that i cant find the code tags under the blocks , i wanna make it as if u click on record button to start hearing the voice and label it within the text input
the screen1 page ,i changed the button to a mic img and also in the block code , im trying to make clicking the speak icon will take all the words that im speaking and show it in the text area . i tried a lot of methods i found online but none is working and so many block codes are missing from what i found online , here is the share link … i need to make it happen for my school project
i need your help! im trying to make a screen listing all the recognized languages to select and translate
like this one : english to turkish to be translated from the text area just like google translate but its not working with the code im adding can u check it for me ?
Hello @zaidraw3366
As mentioned in our docs, the valid row id types are index and unique id, and not a list as it is in
your blocks. The index refers to the row by its integer position (1 for the first row, 2 for the second row, etc.) and must be greater than zero.
You’re still using a list block instead of the green row id block or a row number (integer) for the row id slot. You also have a data viewer list overlapping buttons that the user needs to click.
I made some changes to your project but it’s not working yet. I’m not sure why it doesn’t translate. But this is how I would set up the written translation: