How to make speech recognition to text in thunkable?

how to make speech recognition to text in thunkable ?
i see older posts that i cant find the code tags under the blocks , i wanna make it as if u click on record button to start hearing the voice and label it within the text input

can u help me with this @cassandra

Hi and welcome to Thunkable!

You can find that block here: Speech Blocks | Thunkable Docs.

it doesnt work

When something doesn’t work, it’s important to provide details. What did you try, what were you expecting, what happened?

Can you post a link to your project so I can test it?

the screen1 page ,i changed the button to a mic img and also in the block code , im trying to make clicking the speak icon will take all the words that im speaking and show it in the text area . i tried a lot of methods i found online but none is working and so many block codes are missing from what i found online , here is the share link … i need to make it happen for my school project

Try the first screen of this modified project: Thunkable

Here are the blocks I used. It works on my iPhone 13 Pro to tap Listen, speak in English, and then it displays and speaks the phrase in Turkish.

it worked thanks a million !!

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Why do I not have the speech recognized in with outputs block anywhere?

It will appear in the text align area

But it only works using the mob application

To see that version of the block, right-click on the recognize speech block in Speech and choose “show advanced block”.

i need your help! im trying to make a screen listing all the recognized languages to select and translate
like this one : english to turkish to be translated from the text area just like google translate but its not working with the code im adding can u check it for me ?

i added the languages code inside a list using data source but i cant seem to combine it under app variable source and target

Hello @zaidraw3366
As mentioned in our docs, the valid row id types are index and unique id, and not a list as it is in
your blocks. The index refers to the row by its integer position (1 for the first row, 2 for the second row, etc.) and must be greater than zero.

i did that exact thing but still not listing the languages available from the data list

Post a link to your updated project so we can see the blocks.

You’re still using a list block instead of the green row id block or a row number (integer) for the row id slot. You also have a data viewer list overlapping buttons that the user needs to click.

I made some changes to your project but it’s not working yet. I’m not sure why it doesn’t translate. But this is how I would set up the written translation:

I need two data list one for the selected language and one for the targeted language

Yes, I understand. I kept it that way in the project link I shared.