Text input, font size blocks area

Why is there no option for text input component font size in the blocks area? is there any option to set it programingly?

Hey @dev_pro - not sure why there isn’t a block for this, it’s probably not designed to be resized at runtime?

What’s you use case for this?


I realize this is pretty old. My use case is to dynamically adjust to fit the screen size where I have multiple components in the same row (in this case an input).

I have learned I essentially have to constantly include blocks that multiply the font size of labels & buttons by some small % of the device screen width.
Usually X ~0.04

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Any news on this? It is really annoying to see the usage of a tablet is really a bad user Experience compared to phones. I need to use the input text as the out put text label as the Scroll function does not exist. Consecuently i want to be able to change font size if a tablet device is used. But i cant because the block is simply not there to make it happen ???

Cant thunkable team fix these small things that are so annoying??

Yes they can. They’re too busy.

@stefansladdeneng1 You know the community guidelines so don’t post to outdated topics.