I have an apple developer account. and a paid service to thunkable.
I am creating an app to send data back and forth to my custom BLE controller. I can see the scan and see my controller via the thunkable live app, but as it says i can’t click on anything.
I am ready to test connecting to my controller and passing data back and forth. When i click on the download IOS app for testing.
It seems to compile on the server and send me an email.
When i click download on my phone with and without developer mode on
it pops up and says
"Unable to install “”
This app cannon be installed because
its integrity could not be verified.
What am i missing, Seems i can’t find anything about testing on a phone or ipad.
Seems i HAVE to test BLE on my device which means i have to make updates and download to IOS with every change? Is that true?
However, to be able to download your app to iOS, you do need to have an Apple Developer account and you would have to turn on Developer Mode on your device.
Sorry, I misunderstood. You’re getting that error because your device is not added to the certificate on the internal iOS download. This will be remedied when you create your own certificate and register your device’s UDID.
Some BLE functionality is not available on iOS via the Thunkable Live app. Scanning and connecting usually work, anything beyond that is likely to fail.
Apologies for the inconvenience here. That is a strange error considering the name looks fine. Can you see the file in Finder and see if the name matches?