[Solved] Thunkable Live and Downloaded APK crashing - OneSignal related

This issue started after I changed Android apps at OneSignal from Firebase Legacy to FCM… as instructed by “Upcoming Firebase Deprecation” e-mail.
If I remove OneSignal AppID, it runs normally.
Even if I use an old AppID (firebase legacy), it also crashes.

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Hi @assistsolucoes, thanks for flagging this–we’re currently looking into what might be happening here and how we can fix this. Hang tight and we’ll get you more information as soon as we can.

Thank you!

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Thanks for your reply.
We need it very soon to finishing update Google’s required API level.

i have the same problem, but i didn’t move from legacy to FCM
how do I solve it?

This Error is Shown when I open my App on Thunkable Live(ANDROID)

Hello @whoocoder @assistsolucoes @22kifayatun8ne :wave:
We apologize for the inconvenience!

We are happy to announce that we were able to identify the root cause, develop a fix, and release it to production so everything should be working as normal again for you now.

The only thing you will need to do to test your project is to:

  • Update your Android Thukable live app to the latest one
  • Rebuild your Android app (APK or AAB)

Let us know if you still have any issues.

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