[SOLVED 1/16/24 2:56 PM EDT] Ad on Thunkable Live App?

I opened my Thunkable Live App and this popped up…

I don’t have a ad id on my app so how did this happen???

Hello, this is actually my ad i sent yesterday through OneSignal to the users of my bartender app.
Strange you got it too…
It’s literally my image, text and link.

I’m afraid i can’t help you more

Ok. How did this end up on my app?

Hello @emlee703 ,
Have you tested Maurizio’s app using the Thunkable live app?

No. Don’t think so anyway.

@ioannis @maurizio.polverini89
I have downloaded @maurizio.polverini89 bartender app before, (if I recall) because I saw it and decided to have some fun experimenting with it. However, I removed your bartender app from my apps list like 2 months ago, so idk.

So if I used the bartender app, but deleted it from my apps list 2 months ago, how did that end up in my app when you made it yesterday?!?!?! (As of this writing).

Hello @emlee703
Thank you for sharing more information.
Probably when you tested Maurizio’s app using the Thunkable live app your device was registered to his One Signal account.
Even if you have removed his project from your list of projects you are receiving notifications because you use the same Thunkable Live App.
Maybe a workaround will be to delete and then re-download the Thunkable Live App.
Let us know if it worked

It never happened again after that…
I will try re-downloading it later once I have a chance. I will let you know more information if that happens again.

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@ioannis its fixed. Thanks!!

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