Why does my images look so different between the two btw phone and the editor? (Please look at the attachments)
the image with the blue background is the editor and the other image is the phone view
Why does my images look so different between the two btw phone and the editor? (Please look at the attachments)
the image with the blue background is the editor and the other image is the phone view
try uninstalling your thunkable live app and install again maybe because thunkable keeps updating
Will do, please be on standby pretty please…
Nope, unfortunately that didn’t help the problem. The image components looks fine on the editor, but when I preview they aren’t coming out like the editor.
add some space using group component
ok I’ll try that but that still wont justify the width of the image
thank you all so much because I have been going crazy trying to see if this app going to look the way i want it