[SOLVED]I have problem in download project!

the system tell me to “AdMob is available for Pro users. Upgrade your account to unlock in app ads.”
and i dont have any admob in my project >>>
what can i do

Just ignore it

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Hello @suzansqourh123r
Sorry to hear about your issue.

Could you please send me in a personal message the specific project URL, so we can investigate it further?

You could copy it from the top of your browser.

I don’t know how to send you private message

Hi, @suzansqourh123r!

On Top Left, you would see an Exclamation Sign.

Click on it and then click on “Contact Support”
Now you can send Private messages to thunkable’s Staff

Thanks, whoocoder

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Hello @suzansqourh123r
Thank you for sending me your project in private message
To solve this issue you should remove the unused AdMob Interstitial component:

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