[Solved]How can I make dependent select screens on thunkable?

Hello guys. I’m a beginner of this community would like to build an app that can search agricultural information. What I’m trying to make is the dependent select screens that can choose components on the data viewer. Which means: If I choose “Crops” on data viewer, the data viewer shows the options belong to the Crops, like rice, potato etc etc… and then if I choose rice then data viewer shows the options belong to the rice, like which pest can damage rice…I tried to build this system through List viewers with control navigate blocks but it costs too much resource so it slowed down thunkable. I could not be able to continue that way, thus I would like to find a better way. If you can give some advices, I will gladly try them! Thanks for reading.

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I think I know what you’re wanting to do but if you can provide a sketch or screenshot of the first and next screens, that would be helpful. It sounds possible with simple list viewers depending on whether the data you want to display has images or not.


Look at this sample project which shows what you are trying to build



Thank you! This is exactly what I’m looking for. I appreciate your support

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Glad that helped

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