I want the user to be able to click one of the options in a Data Viewer List, which then sends him further down into the data structure tree.
I am using a restaurant menu as an example. The top level is a list of meal types, like Entrée, main, soups, breads, drinks etc.
Of course, when clicking Drinks, i want to navigate the next level data, containing a list of drinks like; Beer, Wine, Soda, Coffe etc.
Then again, the user clicks on Beer, now the next level data will show a list like; Heineken, Budweiser, Carlsberg etc.
And so on. The last datalayer would probably have a + button icon, so you can add the item to your order.
I’m having a little succes, but to be honest, i sincerely believe there to be a better way, but my limited knowledge of the thunkable blocks is messing with me.
For the record, I’ve got a CS and a Marine Engineering degree, and write code on a daily basis at my dayjob as an industrial engineer. I’ve used Function Block and Ladder programming as well, so I understand at least the basic terminology, i’ve just never used anything like Thunkables blocks before
On a side note,why are the row_id in the data viewer list some long string, instead of giving and index as an int or something?