[Solved] Curious about how long will it take to get AdMob reviewed?

Hi @asligamerashwx :wave: welcome to our community. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the Learn About the Thunkable Community - one of the most important things is that all members are polite and courteous - including to the Thunkable Staff!

I’d agree with Aravind here - the review process takes time, as does the publication process and - as you know yourself - so too does the app development process.

We value each and every PRO subscriber that joins Thunkable PRO, however I would never encourage anyone to risk any sort of financial difficulty to become a member. From our records it appears that you cancelled you membership shortly after applying to join the AdMob program.

You app did take a little longer to review - 44 hours in fact - but sometimes it can be longer and sometimes it can be less. We give the 48 hour figure so that users have a general idea of what to expect.

Google also aim to review apps in 2 - 3 days, but if it’s your first time publishing an app there it may take up to a week, or at least from my experience is can take several days.

I’d object strongly to your use of this characterisation - and I’d appreciate it if you removed it from you public post.

Nope - it has absolutely no bearing on your standing or credibility on Google Play. It’s far more important to have a rigorous privacy policy in place and to ensure that you are following AdMobs guidelines to the letter.

Just for the sake of completeness, we review 90% of apps within 48 hours. Sometimes however it may take longer - I’ll try to make sure this is more clearly communicated in the future.

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