Hello! I’ve been working on an app and in mind, I’m trying to make it so if a list has 3 or fewer items the image will change. However, if it has more than 3 items, it will change to a different image. In addition to this, I’m working on a way for an alert to appear 1 second after the image changes, different alert for each image. If the alert is declined, it can send the user to a different screen. So 2 different alerts and 2 different images for each alert. I’m still new to coding and if someone could help me that would be great!
Hi, @317094wv!
Did I get your idea right? -
- If list has < 3 (less than 3) items, image 1.png will show & alert1 will popup.
If the Alert was cancelled, you will go to some screen, if it was confirmed, you will go to some other screen. - Else if, the list has > 3 (greater than 3) items, image 2.png will show, and alert2 will popup. If the Alert was cancelled, you will go to some screen, if it was confirmed, you will go to some other screen.
If I go it right, these blocks will help you -
Hope I helped you
Hi, thanks so much for responding!!! This was really helpful and you were right! However… I’m having trouble finding where to get the code you used. If you could send me a link to the code or where to get the Image blocks (the image1 by itself and the “from image to show set visible to true/false”, also the display img with to show to hide). If you could, that would be so amazing!!! Thank you for everything so far though
Hi, @317094wv!
Thanks a lot!
Have a look on this video, and this will clear all your doubts -
Thank you so much!
i think that its really but icant imagine how?
@kozgsf2000g were you having issues with your images too?