[Solved] Apk crashes when Installed

My app works fine in Thunkable Live both in iOS and Android. When I download the apk and then I install it, the app crashes. I have not been able to test it on iOS because I can not publish it yet on Apple Store.

Does someone has the same problem?

hi @hernandezsilvaericko

Here’s a guide on how to test your app on your iOS device:

Hard to say without actually seeing your app, but here are some common causes of crashes:

Do you have an active internet connection?
Are there any errors in your blocks?
Are there any duplicate/conflicting event handlers in your blocks?
Does your version number, in your app settings, say NaN instead of being a number.

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Also check the troubleshooting

From docs


Common issues

You receive an email from the hard-working beaver saying that this app will not build

  • You uploaded an icon that has the same name as an existing asset that you have uploaded

  • Your app icon is not an image file

  • Your app icon contains transparent pixels. Apple does not allow you to have any icons with any transparent colors

  • We are having trouble with our build servers. Please try again in 30 minutes or chat with us if you are still having problems

  • App (Bundle) ID. Your App (Bundle) ID is a series of short strings of text that are separated by periods, such as com.thunkable.creator.app . These string of text must i) be lowercase, ii) begin with a letter.

    • Examples of App (Bundle) IDs that can cause errors: com.thunkable.creator.1app, Com.Thunkable.Creator.APP
  • Asset names. We recommend that asset names only contain Roman alphabet characters with no accents, and numbers.

    • Examples of asset names that could cause errors: image(1).jpg, imĂŁge.jpg

    • Examples of asset names that won’t cause errors: image1.jpg, image.jpg

You cannot install your app and get the message "Cannot connect to storage.googleapis.com"

  • You have a special character like “&” in your App Name

When you install your app on Android, you see the message "There was a problem parsing the Package"

  • This is caused by your package name, also known in your project as your App (Bundle) ID. Your App (Bundle) ID is a series of short strings of text that are separated by periods, such as com.thunkable.creator.app . These string of text must i) be lowercase, ii) begin with a letter.

    • Examples of App (Bundle) IDs that can cause errors: com.thunkable.creator.1app, Com.Thunkable.Creator.APP

Download App troubleshooting


The problem waas solved by itself. I do not know what happened but after 5 times of building the app I was able to start it without any crash.

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