[Solved] Android publish creates crashable app - (incorrect admob publisher I’d caused issue)

Somethings is wrong with Android publishing. It made an app that just crashes. Only change I made was updated admob setting. Republishing it now…

I just republished and its immediately crashes when I open it. Anyone else having this symptom when publishing android?

Last time I had this kind of issue, thinking that Thunkable is the problem, I found out that my app was crashing because an API I used was returning some of the value retrieved as .null, being not offline, but not fully functionally from time to time - and because no blocks were changed I was really confused.
Can’t tell if Thunkable builder has issues in the last 2 days (as I didn’t build any .aab) but I 'm sharing this with you thinking that maybe will help you a little. :blush:

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Another week and android publish build is crashing on open. Anyone on the thunkable team have an idea why it would do this? Immediately right after you tap the app icon. My last openable build was build 90, I’m at build 113.

To test I created two other apps in my console, they are starter thunkable projects but they did open.

This requires some debugging @exploriverse.com

To start, can you talk about your first screen? What is happening on the screen that loads first?

What blocks run on “screen open” or “screen start”

Does the project work on both ios and android or is it platform specific?

Does the app work on Thunkable live ?

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What is happening on the screen that loads first? Establish variables and navigate for new game or existing game or offline.

What blocks run on “screen open” or “screen start”? Screen open

Does the project work on both ios and android or is it platform specific? This crash is android specific

Does the app work on Thunkable live? Yes

Hey @exploriverse.com

Just wanted to follow up here. It seems that the error is likely related to the admob publisher ID. can you ensure your admob pub id is correct in the settings by deleting and then copy/pasting from admob into thunkable again?

I shared a screenshot of the logs with you in a DM on the platform.

Seeing this, i want to share my experience with that, maybe will help.
1st of all, building and publishing is working very well. Just did it few hours ago, with no issue. I updated my app because some interstitial admob was crashing my app, so i removed it. My app was crashing because admob told me that as developer i’m not able to click my own interstitial - they take that as a fraude. But that interstitial alowed me to have acces to more contest, and as I’m using my own app as other users, of course I clicked that to have acces to that content.
Weird policy but nothing to do against. So i just removed that interstitial and all is working well.


I know I’m veering off-topic with this @mimostel, but don’t forget to add your phone(s) under the test devices menu here:


Thank you @domhnallohanlon . Didn’t noticed that. Very helpful.


@jared Brought to my attention that when he ran my apk that he saw an error with my admob id.

I looked and turns out I was using the banner ad id in the admob id setting. I fixed it, retested the build and crash issue fixed!

Screen Shot 2022-07-01 at 5.18.46 PM


Early this year my admob account got frozen for 30d because I was testing and didn’t add my devices. I didn’t know so this is helpful for all.