Sending Emails From Thunkable App | Gmail App

There is an easier way. You don’t need apps script to do this. All you need is a share component.

Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 10.16.58 AM

This is all you need to do for the blocks.
Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 10.18.27 AM


That Will popup for the user to send, not to send automatically from our email ids.

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Please send me the link I am not getting a thing

always asking for project will not make you learn what you are not understanding ask here we are here to help you but not to do your work


for me none of this works:
Better Way(which i am using).

Save data in airtable

Link it with

Trigger Event: A New Airtable Record
Action: Gmail Mail

Also, Pls refer to -

Everything will work.


This is a great resource @tchind, thanks for sharing!

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Hi, I use airtable for sending emails but without Zapier,

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Everyone! I found a way to fix this problem.
Switch to the legacy editor in Google Apps Script and
try the code again.
It should work this way…

I guess you use Airtable Automations,

You shouldn’t have to use the legacy editor. I set this up recently for a project and don’t think I had to revert to complete.

Either way, it’s the best option and you can send something like 20,000 free emails a day and they can be HTML formatted so they look beautiful!



hello , I know this discussion has been already open a time ago .I want to be abble from thunkable to send email I use the information’s to I get here
My thunkable block is

The script in

But I still get the following error

I have try to receive more details about this error !!! it seams that the script is not able to read the var recipient = e.parameters.recipient; Is there anyone who would have an Idea to solve this problem ?

Another question it seams that this script is only working inside Gmail , is there other possibility to extent to all the others email provider ?

Thankx in advance

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“Please test on a device” means that you need to test this on a mobile device using Thunkable Live or as a downloaded app.


Be aware also, the app script will not return a response. It will err or not return a response.

When you run it from your mobile device and you see it working, you will also need to remove the quotes around body from the last line in Google Apps Script.

Muneer :the quotes around body are already removed (it was done for a test purpose), on IOS device I receive Undefined and Android also .The email (in this example is not send.
I m still working on it .
Jared : The script return a Status code ( 200 if it’s successful completed) correct ?
I will try in state of reading the error ,I will read the status received on the Thunkable post.
Do you know what is the difference between :
// GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient,subject,body); and
It seams that the parameters passed from thunkable (after making the “queryParameters” with the fields “recipient”," subject"and “body” are not reconized by the google script .

I will further debug on it and I will let you know . At any case I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of your support ,I thank you all

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This is from Google Developers Site

According to my understanding. It would not return anything.

I have a return Status from 401
ReturnCode into Thunkable 2021-11-14

I m looking forward , i keep you posted .
best regards

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Yes, 401 will come up of course. This is a server authorization / authentication error.

Like has suggested before shu

ani.ban is much more easy to use the Share1 option
it work directly , the only problem is that you have to send the mail manually Send the email from Thunkable 2021-11-15
Is it not a way to send the email automatically ?