There are few zip numbers. These numbers should be searchable and selectable. When select the number redirect to another page. How can do this?
@thottiyilabhilashhd7 - is this something that you are working on with your students?
No. Iam studying
Is this not right category to ask questions?
Ok, just a reminder what the Teachers' Lounge is for:
You might want to post in Questions about Thunkable instead?
Ha. Ok. Sorry which category i can choose. Iam a student
There are few zip numbers. These numbers should be searchable and selectable. When select the number redirect to another page. How can do this?
Can easily be done using simple blocks
- store the zip numbers in a database along with their associated links to the pages (either thunkable data sources, local DB or airtable) since you say there are only a few.
- create a text input box and a button, and a webview page on the design interface
- In the “when the button is press” event block, read the text input, then use a loop to cycle through your zip number data, use if statement to compare.
- if there is match, then read the link according to the zip and direct it to the wanted webpage using the webview block.
- finally when it works, design you own layout/design properly
That’s it.
Thank you for ur valuable reply
I made all design section now blocks have to do. I don’t know that so please tell me
Can you tell me one by one code.
Hey @thottiyilabhilashhd7 - please don’t create duplicate posts in the community, thanks!
If you have a question about using Thunkable then you should post in the Questions about Thunkable category.
Please click on the edit icon above and change this post to the Questions about Thunkable category.
I’m afraid you have to start to put in those suggested blocks and do it yourself. Don’t take the fun away from learning it yourself. .