Let me be honest first of all. I don’t know what I’m doing at all. I’ve been watching so many videos on YouTube, reading through so many post in the community and Google and still have a head full of empty space. Please bare with me. Ive been trying so hard to teach my self. so far Ive accomplished a good deal with the help of the community and want to say thanks alot.
The issue I have is with the list viewer. What i would like to do is when a user clicks on a item in the data list viewer and enters a number, it will take them to the next screen where they will choose 2 more options out of 4 options. With all the options the user clicks it will pull a specific row in my spread sheet and provide them a specific answer.
Example: If i click Falcon and Peach on first page out of options it saves that info and then navigates to the second screen. On second screen I click Bulldogs and Hawks then navigates to results page where the answer Georgia would appear from all the options the user puts together.
I may be asking for alot but really only looking for some direction. I really love the Thunkable platform. With the issue im having I still find myself enjoying the time not understanding what im doing lol. Ive spent hours playing with blocks and then realize 7 8 hrs have went by. If there is an example or videos to help would be great so I can also continue to teach myself to code as well. I dont really want to just be handed an answer and still not understand how everything functions.
One part of this that is key is to figure out what the database will look like. Do you already have that sorted out? If so, share a screenshot or example of the data. If not, I recommend asking ChatGPT to create a table for you based on your description of how this should work.
One question I have is if there is any math or pattern to the results. For example, if Falcon and Peach are chosen and then Bulldogs and Hawks, how do you figure out to show them Georgia? Is there any rhyme or reason to that? If so, you can program it so that happens automatically instead of needing to create database values for every possible combination.
Man I didnt expect anyone to respond so fast. Blink and your to the rescue lol. Thanks for your response first of all. In my spreed sheet I have the different combinations if a user clicks this or that. so lets so instead of Falcon Peach Bulldogs Hawks it was Saints Peach Knights Hawks it then should return some thing different. I knew that i could create a way for code to search through but im so old fashion and just wanted so find a way to make it all work. I made of 10k different rows in Google sheets with different combinations. Ill laugh at me so you dont have to lol. Ill provide a screenshot in the next message at least of my LocalDB
This is sort of an example. So on my first data screen after the user logs in they will first put how many points. Any Random number from 100 to 1500. from there they will have an option to choose which sport. they combination of the number of points selected and the sport chosen with take them to the next screen where they will chose two out of 4 options. depending on the options they select it will then give them the number under TD in column H.
I first created a Variable and added a list to it in order to have the option in a list viewer. When the user types the random number and clicks on an item in the list viewer it takes them to the next page. On the 2nd screen I would like to tie in what was clicked on the first screen to the second then take them to the 3rd screen for the answer.
Also let say the user enters 200 Falcons Panthers Redskins Chiefs. I have also made in the spread sheet the combination if the user enters 200 Falcons Bills Saints and Chiefs. So to every number chosen there are 4 different combinations. Im so grateful if anybody is able to help me out but if not, If you can Think It You can Thunk It so im not going to give up until i figure it out. Thanks again to the community for even helping me get as far as I have.
No… oh no. 10,000? Yikes. That’s definitely a job for ChatGPT! Well, you have a choice to stick to what you’ve made or to start over. Both sound a little painful to me but it’s possibly doable to use what you currently have.
I’ll be frank: you really need someone who’s willing to sit down with you for a couple of hours and hash this all out. That likely means you’ll need to pay someone for their help. But if you want to go it alone, you can always ask questions here. Just be sure to post screenshots of relevant info including blocks and/or a link to your project.
The next thing someone would need from you is several specific and concrete examples of user input and expected app response. You’ve described how they should work above but the details such as this are still vague:
when a user clicks on a item in the data list viewer and enters a number, it will take them to the next screen where they will choose 2 more options out of 4 options. With all the options the user clicks it will pull a specific row in my spread sheet and provide them a specific answer.
hahahah yeah alot of rows and combinations. I will upload a picture of the real project so maybe someone here can help me out. The picture and examples I provided was from when I was trying to create the blueprint a few months ago. I thought it would still make some sense. I apologize for the confusion. You’ve been a great help thus far and I appreciate it once again.
I know im missing a bunch of code from what I see in alot of videos, but Ive learned to peice one thing at a time and see if it works before I go to the next thing. So, everyday I wake up I have been deleting everything and starting over lol. I really want to understand how everything works. If I haven’t stated or I’m sure you have realized already, I’m new to coding. My wife is a software engineer on the backend so this is something Im trying to learn to impress her along with be able to give us new topics to talk about. Maybe it might be the next hit on the app store who knows.
Good luck! You’re taking on a big challenge for your first project, especially as someone new to coding. But Thunkable does make things easier.
I don’t really understand the logic you’re describing enough to suggest a next step without specific examples, as I’ve mentioned. So I don’t have a way to piece together a formula for this. But others’ brains may work differently so hopefully someone in the community here can help out.
Thanks for your response again. I have signed up to Udemy.com and starting from scratch to learn the basics and go from there. I know it’s a big challenge but I’m going head first into the deep end. Ill keep you updated.
Hello Tatiang or anyone who can help. I was wondering should I use variables to use the information the user inputs from screen 1 into screen 2 or should I create a function. I’ve been so confused trying to understand functions and stored variables. I understand that app variables I use on 1 screen. and stored I can use throughout the app but does that mean I can put it from screen to screen?
All variable types can be used on all screens. If you initialize a variable on one screen, you can get or change its value on another screen. App variables save the value until the app is closed/quit. Stored variables save the value on the device and do not lose their value. Cloud variables are different and are saved in Firebase. They are useful if you want to save lots of values but are finding a spreadsheet to have too restrictive of a structure (rows & columns).
Functions are not like variables. Functions are screen-dependent meaning that they only work on a single screen. They can take values as inputs but they do not have to. They can output values but they do not have to. The benefit of functions is that they create shortcuts for code you want to repeat on a single screen.
I’m still really confused. Do you have a photo of a form that people typically fill out for this? What’s a real-world example of this, from start to finish. Is there an app or video or something that would provide context for this?
Are you having truck drivers document their rigs or something? ChatGPT seemed to think so.