I have found some threads about this but never could get any of them to work. What am i doing wrong? I’ve tried several combos of this and can’t get anything to display bluetooth results that have names. I don’t want blank bluetooth devices to show.
The problem is that after some updates, errors stopped coming in the Bluetooth_Low_Energy element. In any case, the error variable has the value “undefined”. I have a working application, and everything used to work correctly. I do not know how to draw the attention of developers to this problem.
@rhino-led @gumoldova0nw After some additional investigating, there is likely a bug here causing these issues. We’re investigating now and will get back to you as soon as we learn more. Thank you for your patience.
Keep me posted!
Good morning guys, my app no longer finds any BLE devices when I scan, I updated the block with the new one containing RSSIs but nothing changes. How can I solve this problem? . About 20 days ago I downloaded the APK from thunkable to test the app on an Android phone and if I use that the BLE scan is successful but the live test of thunkable is not.
Is there a way to contact billing? I paid for premium and am at a road block and can’t continue with the app until these bugs are fixed?
@rhino-led If you’re on one of our paid plans, you can always get expedited support by clicking on the Help icon and selecting “Contact Support” in the top right Menu bar in your Project Page. There will be an option for billing or account support which you can choose.
We’re working on finding a fix for the issue currently and will work to get it released as soon as possible.
Is there’s an issue or problem in the bluetooth block? cause i cant connect my app to the bluetooth, it show error that there no name that need to connect, thank you.
@vico3341rys8kx We have reported this as a bug. Thank you for raising this issue to our attention. We will work to resolve this. In the meantime, feel free to reach out for updates. Otherwise, I will reach out here when I have more information to share with you via updates or a solution going live. Thank you, again, for your time and patience in this matter.
@jiru I have merged your topic as we have discovered the same bug in several different topics. We will keep you updated about a fix as soon as we have more information.
@conroy I am having the same issue with my app.
Same here. Any updates on this issue?
Hello @rhino-led @gumoldova0nw @vico3341rys8kx @jiru @m3shtechnology9im @kayleep0702yrni0i
Thank you again for your patience. I would like to let you know that we have now officially released a fix for this bug.
Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project. If you experienced any of these issues on the Thunkable Live app, you will need to update to the latest version through the App Store and/or Google Play Store before any changes will occur. If your downloaded or published app is affected by any of these issues, you will need to re-download or re-publish your app for these changes to take effect.
Thank you! The BLE scan function is working again. Could this issue arise again in the future? It’s a significant concern as I plan to proceed with this platform.
Hi @m3shtechnology9im ,
I am glad that is working for you now. We believe that this issue will not happen again in the future.
Thanks! It works in the debugging application. But I can’t download the APK and check it yet. I have already tried downloading twice this month because of this error.
Hi @gumoldova0nw, As a one-time courtesy, we have gone ahead and reset your download count for the month.
Thank you for understanding, it’s nice.
Everything works under ideal conditions.
The colors in the “Switch” element have also started to display correctly.
But some errors in error handling still remained.
Previously, when a user tried to scan bluetooth WITH BT TURNED OFF, an error was returned in the “error” variable that could be handled.
The same thing happened when geolocation was turned off.
Now there is no such information in the “error” variable, only “undefined”.
All ok, now it works properly, thanks guys.
Hello @gumoldova0nw .
We were able to replicate the issue and have flagged it to our engineering team. We will keep you updated as soon as there is any progress.
Thank you for alerting us to this issue and for your time and patience while we work to resolve it.