Ble not working and nothing chage

hi there i have a code does just work and then not work anymore and i not touch nothing and the codes not conect to the device, i just conect to app inventor for reading ble and work i’ts not hardware problem and i can read the data
Thunkable thanks in advice

I am experiencing the same problems! My code was working fine before, but since the update to the BLE scan block a few days ago (as seen in the Release Notes 2024), when they added the RSSI, I am unable to connect via BLE to my arduino module using an Android phone and the Thunkable live app. Hoping this problem will be resolved quickly!

I am experiencing the same issue. At some point, it works during live testing, but when I download it as an APK, it no longer progresses past the Bluetooth connection stage. I hope this gets resolved soon so that it can work with our product. What could be the reason?

@toptothetop1u2iv1y @huismaja680nqv1 @Arebolledo We have found an issue with the Connect To BLE blocks and working as quickly as possible to resolve the issue. We will reach out to you here as soon as we know more.

I just change to app inventor i hope You can fix this and add background service thanks i’m advance


Le problème à t’il été résolu?

@fabienleromancer1hz8 @toptothetop1u2iv1y @Arebolledo @huismaja680nqv1 This issue has been resolved and we put out a fix for it earlier today.

Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project. If you experienced any of these issues on the Thunkable Live app, you will need to update to the latest version through the App Store and/or Google Play Store before any changes will occur. If your downloaded or published app is affected by any of these issues, you will need to re-download or re-publish your app for these changes to take effect.

Merci beaucoup, tout fonctionne le live et .apk!

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