[Resolved] Copy/Paste Blocks not working

Amazing! Thank you so much!! Sure enough, it works like a charm now!

Great to have copy & paste back but this is still a bug at least for me:

For sure. Same here. Thanks for sharing that! I’ll feed it up the pipeline though admittedly that may be slightly lower on the priority board unless lots of folks need this fixed ASAP?

It’s usually close by for me. I’ll try to keep us all apprised of any future developments here.

Ideally the blocks would appear where we clicked pasted, right?

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Thanks, I understand it might not be a priority. Just hoping it can get fixed at some point.

Yes, I can see it working one of two ways (or both!):

  1. Copy → switch screens → Paste → blocks show up within the viewable screen
  2. Copy → switch screens → click within the blocks area → Paste → blocks show up within the viewable blocks screen

Thank you @jared
Yes, it works but on an odd way in DnD.

Can you ask the team to get rid off the first failed paste. After the first failed attempt, it works as expected.

StP works without this glitch.

So, back to work again… :slight_smile:

Thank you very much @jared and @paulmw !


Just added to my todo list! Will jump on this Monday morning when I’m back in office.

(I’ll monitor the community on the weekends for major bugs/issues and will work as needed to manage those and put out fires but typically you all can expect me to “be on” Mon - Fri 9-5 EST)

^^just for some context as to when or why you might not get a response in the future :slight_smile:

And thank you for bringing this up!


Thank you for the update… Good support.

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I just confirmed this as well. I added a loading icon component to my screen. I changed the name of it but it still shows up as Loading_Icon1 in my blocks. When I choose the drop-down to change the component in the block, it shows Home_Loading_Icon, but it doesn’t change the name in the block. Instead, I have to choose a different option in the drop-down and then switch it back. Then, it updates. As near as I can tell, it still works ok (in Thunkable Live anyway), so I don’t know if it is a huge concern, but it is definitely confusing… I am using StP and not DnD.


I confirm the same. I changed a screen name but the related blocks did not change and even when I use the drop down but cannot see the new name so I deleted the navigation block and added it again then I can see the new name.


Seems to be a different but related issue. I am going to close this thread but invite you all to file a new bug report. (I’ll follow closely there as I’ve seen the behavior you mention also )

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