Request for Splash Screen Customization Option in Paid Plans

Hello Thunkable Support,

I’ve noticed that the “Built with Thunkable” branding is displayed on the splash screen, even for paid subscription plans. This inclusion is a significant concern for me, as it impacts the professional appearance of the applications I develop using your platform.

I believe that providing a customizable splash screen, especially for Pro plan subscribers and above, would greatly enhance the value of Thunkable for developers and businesses who are keen on maintaining brand consistency and professionalism in their apps.

Could you please consider implementing an option to customize or remove the Thunkable branding from the splash screen for paid plan users? This feature would be a decisive factor for many, including myself, in choosing Thunkable for app development.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to a favorable response.

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Hi @vimalprakashtsh87a, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

Be sure to check out our posts about How to ask Great Questions v2.0 and our Community Guidelines as you get started.

Appreciate your feedback about this! I will certainly make sure to share it with the appropriate teams!

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