Refreshing page issue

Refreshing the page in the background? I am using Iphone 14 pro and ios 18 that last one updated. I am using test app from testflight.
This problem occurred after the latest update. For example, I do something on the page in my application, then I throw the application in the background and look at something else, and when I come back to the application again, the process I opened is closed, as if I had reopened the page and reset everything.
This never happened before. When I came back from the background of whatever page I left it on in the app, it was still the same.

How long is it that you are leaving the app for? What is going on inside the app? Is this a Thunkable component itself (like a label) where the information is refreshing or is the content in a Web Viewer?

Imagine that there is a place where I can click somewhere in the dataview list and enter data in it. Let’s say I entered some of the data and at one moment I got a phone call or I wanted to look at whatsapp, the message came and I looked at it. The dataview list is automatically refreshed. The screen returns to the dataview list. I have to select and enter from the list again. So the interesting thing is that the dataview list becomes visible and refreshes.
Temporally, there is no need for any time to pass, it occurs instantly. These are already happening the moment I send my test app to the background.
Snap to Place platform that i am using.

I think i figure out. My pages have “starts” but i changed “opens” block.

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