Problem with the background picture please help please

Hello, the background picture on my app isn’t shown as in the live session, please help…


I have the same problem, so, with png image files. PNG image files are not displayed on live test.

My image is displayed but not at the same size

I did it, but, PNG images files are displayed only when adjust width and height properties to absolute values in pixels.

Try putting larger borders in photoshop and putting your image in the center, it worked fine for me

If you give me a .png file that does not display as it should on iOS in Thunkable X, then I can look at it on my device.

You can open my project… There are all pictures.

I open your link and see a blank screen.


Pleas try again. It was not “public”.

The project was opened. Now I’ll look.

What does not work in the project? Background and image are displayed. I set the Fit content for the width and height of the Image component-everything is displayed on iOS and Android. PNG and JPG are perfectly displayed.