Problem updating IOS app to new revision. Error Build Application

Attempted several times to upolad the revised version thru the publish button. I continue to receive this error. Any help would be appreciated I have attempted to reach the thunkable crew but do not receive responses… Hopefully I am in the right place here… New to this :slight_smile: Thanks

Something went wrong when we tried to publish your app.
Here are the details:

Command failed: cd ***/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_5b621479-0476-4531-80fa-746908da914f/ios && bundle exec fastlane release app_identifier:‘com.championsinstitute.app1’ app_name:‘Champions Institute School’ team_id:‘X955C3374Q’ build_number:‘1’ version_number:‘9’ xcode_project_path:’***/Documents/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_5b621479-0476-4531-80fa-746908da914f/ios/thunkablecompanion.xcodeproj’ profile_uuid:‘62adb4a6-2a1d-4201-8488-acd5ad78f5d2’ [31m [!] Error building the application - see the log above [0m

@lbfworld, Do you know if your have two factor authentication enabled for your Apple ID. If so, or if you’re not sure, please take a look at our post here.


Mark thanks for responding. I just checked and 2 factor authentication is not enabled. Im stumped on why this is hanging. Any other ideas?

We’ll take a look at our logs and see what we can come up with.


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Mark thank you so much!

@lbfworld Another Thunker should be getting in touch with you shortly with a potential solution.

Hi @lbfworld,

This error occured because you changed the Apple Bundle ID. You set your Apple Bundle ID to ‘com.thinkific.championsinstituteschool’ earlier and you changed the Apple Bundle ID to ‘com.championsinstitute.app1’ to later.

We can fix it manually on our end. Do you want to keep the Apple Bundle ID ‘com.championsinstitute.app1’?


While waiting for you, I fixed it manually on our end. Can you try to publish again? Hope it works this time!
