IOS issues (new in the last few weeks)

Is anyone else getting different errors with publishing to IOS recently? I had my app publishing just fine and then it just stopped. I have contacted Thunkable support, but it seems to continually fall through the cracks as it has been a few weeks with no response.

What kind of errors are you getting?

This one was the initial failure. I submitted my app for review and apple wanted changes so all I changed were some of the screens.

cd ***/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_c588d71a-e42b-4214-a504-b36e2ecb7425/ios && bundle exec fastlane release app_identifier:‘com.Tulsa.S.of.Associates.EyeCare’ app_name:‘EyeCare Associates of S Tulsa’ team_id:’###########’ build_number:‘1’ version_number:‘24’ xcode_project_path:’***/Github/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_c588d71a-e42b-4214-a504-b36e2ecb7425/ios/ThunkableCompanion.xcodeproj’ profile_uuid:‘50071d9a-a6c5-4ea2-97e3-386694b402b4’ [31m [!] Error building the application - see the log above [0m

This morning it failed with this

cd ***/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_347b4aed-d919-4236-bbb6-e06570245c05/ios && bundle exec fastlane release app_identifier:‘com.Tulsa.S.of.Associates.EyeCare’ app_name:‘EyeCare Associates of S Tulsa’ team_id:’###########’ build_number:‘1’ version_number:‘2’ xcode_project_path:’***/Github/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_347b4aed-d919-4236-bbb6-e06570245c05/ios/ThunkableCompanion.xcodeproj’ profile_uuid:‘50071d9a-a6c5-4ea2-97e3-386694b402b4’ [31m [!] Error building the application - see the log above [0m

Team ID has been subbed for #########


It looks like maybe it’s an issue with the version number decreasing between your previous submission and your latest. That number needs to increase with each submission. If the “Auto-Increment Version” setting for your project is set to true, that should have happened automatically, so either there’s a bug or you have it set to false (maybe inadvertently).


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Thanks! I bumped up the version number and now it is working again.

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Great to hear!
