iOS App Publishing does not work for new version

IOS Publish setting was changed. I didnt publish so. It has a bug.
App Name

Team ID

Bundle ID

Thats true. Because of i want to upload new version for my app.
Why didnt happen?
Version Number,Build Number maybe i wrong this section i have no idea.
Oops! Your app … was not succesfully to App Store Connect…

Command failed: cd ***/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_58f664a5-6a5a-462f-93ad-1c9d1537a5cb/ios && npx exp path && bundle exec fastlane release app_identifier:‘com.xxxx.yyyy’ app_name:‘xXxxx’ team_id:‘xxxx’ two_factor:‘false’ build_number:‘2’ version_number:‘2’ xcode_project_path:’***/Documents/thunkable-for-ios/thunkableCompanionTemp/thunkableCompanion_58f664a5-6a5a-462f-93ad-1c9d1537a5cb/ios/thunkablecompanion.xcodeproj’ profile_uuid:‘bd3b0f90-7c6c-43ac-8599-8e84875657b8’ There is a new version of exp available (57.2.1). You are currently using exp 56.0.0 Run npm install -g exp to get the latest version warning: /Users/administrator/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2018-11-26/thunkablecompanion 2018-11-26 05.36.21.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/thunkablecompanion-armv7.bcsymbolmap: No such file or directory. Not unobfuscating. warning: /Users/administrator/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2018-11-26/thunkablecompanion 2018-11-26 05.36.21.xcarchive/BCSymbolMaps/thunkablecompanion-arm64.bcsymbolmap: No such file or directory. Not unobfuscating. [31m [!] Error uploading ipa file, for more information see above [0m


Anyone knows?