Problem switching design to blocks and viceversa

I’m using both chrome and IE and since last week i’m experiencing an annoying behaviour. I get in my thnk page, select the project and switch to blocks. If i want to go back to design the webpage hangs. I can solve only reloading the project page. I dont know if it can be due to my poor internet connection…


Thunkable sometimes gives a warning message that content isn’t saved when quickly switching between designer and blocks. If you aren’t seeing this message try slowing down when switching between pages.

If your internet is slow this may be the case, but give the above a go and see how you get on.

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thank you very much,
i tried to wait (a lot…more than 2 minutes) and it switches …so i think the problem actually is the internet connection. I moved to a better internet connection and it seem more reactive :slight_smile:

thank you again


Glad you got it sorted. Happy Thunking!