Pro to Builder Plan?

Hi all,

Is anyone thinking of transitioning to the builder plan? I am currently on the pro plan which cost $450. How can I go about moving to the builder plan whilst keeping all my projects which I hope will serve me better in beta testing in my app development??

Many thanks :slight_smile:

i dont think anyone is thinking about it, i am tho

@kizzy its seems like a good idea if planning to complete user testing on the app for the same price.

Hi @nuuzonessqnzvv, thanks for reaching out.

To take advantage of the benefits included in the Builder plan, you’d be able to switch as soon as the new plans are live. If you have 10 or fewer private projects, you’ll be able to access them just as you would on the Pro plan.

Here is a chart comparing the two plans for your reference.


@matt_conroy I am a month into my year of the pro plan. Can I just switch across at no extra cost as they are pretty much same pricing?

@nuuzonessqnzvv We should be able to help you out there. Once the new plans are live, use the Help button on to Contact Support and one of our Support team will be able to work with you on this.


huh where is the $1199 year one? and what is meant by project version ?

@kizzy That is our Advanced plan. Project versions refers to the amount of versions you can save per project.

oh ok that versions is in the drag and drop ok never used it before

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