About the update

Please Is the update for a limited time?
The update in(37$)

The Builder plan is $37 per month when paid all at once for a year. We discussed this in your other topic at Update bulider (is it every month?) - #4 by tatiang.

Do you want to pay once a month or once a year to use Thunkable?

Here is an example of the cost to use Thunkable for one year. Here is what you would pay each month if you started in January:

Pay up front | Pay monthly
January $444 | $59
February $0 | $59
March $0 | $59
April $0 | $59
May $0 | $59
June $0 | $59
July $0 | $59
August $0 | $59
September $0 | $59
October $0 | $59
November $0 | $59
December $0 | $59

TOTAL $444 | $708

No I mean is it seal? In 37? I mean it is for time limite .?

في خميس، ٦ مارس، ٢٠٢٥ في ٧:٠٢ ص، كتب (he/him) via Community <notifications@thunkable.discoursemail.com>:

Apologies, I do not quite follow what you are asking here. Could you explain further your questions?

I think they are asking if the $37/month year-long price is a temporary price or if it will increase soon…?

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Thanks, @tatiang!

This is our standard pricing when paying for the entire year of the Builder plan. We do not currently have plans to update this price.