Pask - Answer questions, get paid

I created an Indiegogo campaign to help take my app to the App Store and to help create a large community. I plan to complete and perfect Pask, and then advertise and build a business around it. Here’s the link, or you can just read my idea. Anything helps :slight_smile:

Right now I have a simple working concept, which will be available soon to supporters.

My Life

My name is Jake Palanca and I’m a 16-year-old sophomore. I truly believe that Pask can change the freelancer and information market. With Pask, you won’t have to scrounge the first twenty pages of Google just to answer a simple question. Instead, you could just #PaskIt and within minutes you’ll have an accurate answer.

What We Need & What You Get

A large and active user base is critical to the success of Pask. That’s why we need funds for advertising and promotions to gain new users and keep our existing users happy.

In return, we are offering three perk tiers. For as little as one dollar, you’ll have your name cemented into the future of quick freelancing and social information platforms. At five dollars, we’ll also remove ads on your account permanently. In the future, this will be upwards of $10.00. If you deciding to generously donate $20.00, we’ll email you asking for any ideas you have for Pask. I guarantee that we’ll take a serious look at your idea and if you’ve struck gold, we’ll credit your idea with your name and how you contributed to our vision on the info section, above the names from the one and five dollar tier.

This is how we’re going to spend your contributions.

40% will go towards advertising online on platforms such as Facebook and Google.

35% will go towards development and hiring people for content moderating.

and 25% will go towards promotions, such as giveaways, to encourage existing users to stay active.

Our Vision

We can all agree that you can find almost anything on the internet. You can learn to do things such as sing, code, and direct all online. Heres the problem, most of the time the information fed to you is either incorrect, costs money, or too hidden away by your search engines algorithm. Our vision changes that. Need to know a specific coding question, just #Paskit! Have a tough decision and need input? Just #Paskit! Instead of looking for information, have accurate, helpful information come to you.

Any feedback helps!

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I just have so many questions.


How do you intend to pay people?

How do you intend to do better than ask Jeeves?

How do you ensure a correct answer?

How do you filter out crap answers or spam?

  • so many others
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I don’t know what you mean by the first question but we intend to allow withdrawal to PayPal. When you attempt to withdrawal, we’ll get sent a list of all of your question/answer contributions to make sure you weren’t spamming. Payment will come from ad revenue.

The whole idea that makes Pask different than everything else is that you’re paid to answer questions. No other app has attempted this. I plan to turn Pask into a combination of a web browser and this concept (until our user base is large) so that when you search up questions that haven’t been answered yet, it’ll search through you’re favorite search engine.

We plan to create a very detailed algorithm to detect spammy and fake answers, which will alert us if something doesn’t look right. In addition, we will use Microsoft’s AI for picture uploads (in the future) and manually overlook the account when they want to withdraw.

What are your other questions?

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