Hey there!
I am pritam sharma.
I developed a lot of apps for me and for my clients.
But why i write this?
I write this, because i want to help YOU!
If you want a App or search a “Developer” to create an App for you, then i hope i’m your developer
How it goes?
Write me via PM what an App you want.
(I will only write via PM or E-Mail and I will not add any Person to WhatsApp or Telegram etc.!)
Please describe me exactly the App.
Is it for Free?
If you have questions, then its free .
But if you want that i create an App for you, then you have to pay a little bit.
The minimum for an App is 25 € (28 US-Dollar).
Depending on the complexity, it can also be over 25 € (28 US-Dollar).
Payments only via PayPal (a very safe method)
I will deliver the app as soon as i can.
Note: I will never ask you to pay in starting once you will get satisfied with work then i will ask for payment.