PayoutSharp [ My First App ]


Hello thunkers, :wave:
My new app PayoutSharp is out and you can earn as much as you want from the app with many giftcards in it…

How to

  1. Watch videos or images
  2. Earn points for it
  3. Redeem giftcards for the points earned

Special thanks to @conor for helping me out through the firebase system :blush:

Payoutsharp can be found on Google Playstore,
Link here: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Please rate and let me know if any bugs are found



Where did you find that background or you created it? I like your app’s UI. Well crafted!


Created it… got some inspiration from you and some from siri :laughing:

Thanks @pavi2410


Some minor design issues

also add some indicator that there is something more to be scrolled

Yeah i was thinking about that too, i think I would add a down logo something like this:

which when scrolled down disappear :smile:

I checked it again, it is working fine…
I dont know why this happened… will try to see what can i do… btw thanks for letting me know the bugs :blush:

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I’m root, I cannot use it :cry:

In next update, which is tomorrow…
i will allow root users too :blush::smiley: As i have web database, i dont think anyone could hack anything :smile:


can you post aia file?

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Sorry, can’t upload the .aia… but if you need any help regarding something let me know, i will surely help as much as i can :smile:


I think there is an error in the app name. The app opens as “PayoutSharp” but it is “Payoutsharp” on the Google Play Store.
Awesome app though. You just got a new user! :wink:

By the way, wouldn’t it be good to have a “Report Ad” feature?

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Ohh yeah😅 Forgot to change that😆
Thanks for letting me know😊

I thought I should have a report ad option but i have some wierdo friends who will just keep reporting it :rofl:

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Hello from Cyprus,

You have one more user (giasas)!

Its ok with you if the user hits repeated the same ads?

If you set an auto time refresh maybe its better!

You prefer hits from different ip’s ?

Best Regrds


Thanks for using my app… :blush:

You mean the same ad repeat again? Yes that’s fine… As i don’t care which ad admob serves :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Autorefresh via admob is set to automatic… :smiley:

How did you make it, and do you gain any money off of it?

Check you’re DM :grinning:

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Good App, Neat and clean. Keep thunking…

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Your app doesn’t even seems that it is made via thunkable :innocent:

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Thanks bro :blush: @Braden_Boyko

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@Kevin I wonder how do you get & distribute gift cards? Through an API, self-purchased e-cards or something else?