One Signal Push Notifications

I successfully configured push notifications with One Signal and Thunkable. But to be able to view them on the device I had to go into the app’s permission settings and manually enable notification permission. How can I ask the user to activate automatically in their app?

Hi @centrosjr, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

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How were you testing this? The first time the app is opened after the install, the alert to enable permissions for push notifications should be automatically displayed.

I am testing my app on Android. Installing apk and downloading from Google Play

I am having the same issue. The user never gets a prompt to allow permissions on Android. All Android users so far have had to manually allow permissions by going into their phone settings menu.

Reading the documentation about OneSignal, I don’t see any steps that involve forcing a prompt or even enabling/disabling one. It reads as if you just set everything up correctly in OneSignal and it’s all just taken care of.

Now, I can confirm users actually receive push notifications, so that part is set up fine, but they still have to manually enable push notification permissions.

Hello @kclarkstf and @centrosjr
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have flagged it to our engineering team and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Hello @kclarkstf and @centrosjr
Thank you again for your patience. I would like to let you know that we have now officially released a fix for this issue.

Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project.

If your downloaded or published app is affected by this bug, you will need to re-download or re-publish your app for these changes to take effect.

​Please let us know if you have any issues

Thanks, Ioannis.

When existing users download an updated version of the app, will this trigger the permission request or will they have to completely uninstall and reinstall?

Hello @kclarkstf :wave:
If the users download an updated version and the notifications for the app are set to false a permission request should appear.