No native iOS functionality and limited native content

Firstly, to the Thunkable X team, great job in producing and still growing/developing Thunkable X for cross-platform app development.

To: The Thunkable X team and the many gurus here, advice/help needed.
(Please bear with my long narrative. Thank you.)

I’m a first time user of Thunkable X because I was attracted to create an app for iOS.
I have been using App Inventor 2 and have published 2 apps in Google Play Store, namely:

Backpacker’s Kuala Lumpur Tourist Map

Backpaker’s Ipoh Tourist Map

I have recently converted the Backpacker’s Kuala Lumpur Tourist Map to Thunkable X for iOS and successfully published to App Store Connect … but it was rejected 3 times by App Store Review.

The first two times were my mistakes in screenshots and metadata descriptions. The 3rd rejection has become interesting as it’s due to " … no native iOS functionality and limited native content."

  1. Issue: Limited native content – I believe this is due to my app using/relying on Apple Maps app (default) or Google Maps app (user selectable). So, I need to have a map within my app and provide a photo and description for each tourist attraction.

  2. No native iOS functionality – I’m lost here and need your advice/help. From the context of Thunkable X, what native iOS functions or features can I make use of? Is it possible in the first place?

Thank you very much.

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@Andrew_Chin I assume your message is similar to this? If so, it sounds like you need more / better UI (User Interface) elements in your app. Like better navigation.

Also, make sure you are not just displaying a webpage in your app.

Could you provide the full message provided by Apple?

Hey Darren @darren

Thank you for your reply. App Store Review’s reply to @AyushS was more detailed … at least it zoomed into the areas that ran foul causing rejection.

This is what App Store Review sent me …

"Guideline 4.2.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality

We also noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. Although this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store.

Next Steps

We encourage you to review your app concept and work towards creating an app that offers customers an engaging and lasting experience that also meets the App Store’s high expectations for quality and functionality.

Apple Developer includes a variety of design and development resources. Download iOS templates from Apple UI Design Resources, learn more about crafting intuitive, well-designed apps with the Design Video collection, and review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for best practices to follow when designing apps for the App Store."

As mentioned in my first posting, to address the “limited native content”, I’ll incorporate a map into my app + photo and description for each tourist attraction instead of relying on Apple/Google Maps and their photos.

For “no native iOS functionality”, after reading some materials in Apple’s developer resources, I believe it means the layout, element styles and colours, and navigation to be more Apple app-like.

Hi Andrew,

Actually, Apple sent me the exact same thing they sent you - no more details. You should look at your app objectively to see if it is complete/useful to users. See my post in the Creator Lounge section for more details: Getting your Thunkable X app accepted into the Apple App Store.



Hi Ayush,

Thank you very much for taking the trouble to share your experiences. It’s valuable to me.

7 rejections! Wow, that’s a respectable record! Haha!
Why I say so is because it pushes the person to do better; to achieve a higher standard and not be easily satisfied.

I certainly have to review my app again and overhaul it if that’s what it takes. Maybe I might even end up doing new versions for Android too after I tackle Apple’s demands.
The late Steve Jobs must be smiling somewhere.

BTW, I have installed your app Veggie Alternatives in my iPhone. It’s useful, easy to use, and elegant. Great job!



Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the reply - I’d definitely recommend doing that - it will definitely be worth it!
And thanks for checking out Veggie Alternatives!


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